Kris Nicholson test out his Pleyel Fortepiano Concert Grand after being on it side for over 30 years KMNKeyboardVault 11:11 5 years ago 482 Далее Скачать
Vincenzo Maltempo testing Pleyel P131, year 1950 Francesco Mancusi 2:48 5 years ago 1 434 Далее Скачать
A rare 1925 Pleyel grand piano fitted with an original ‘Auto Pleyela’ self-playing mechanism Dreweatts 1759 1:37 3 years ago 455 Далее Скачать
Historical vs Modern Instrument: Playing on a Pleyel - 1898 Heart of the Keys 11:22 3 years ago 57 246 Далее Скачать
Claudio Filippini testing Grand Pleyel year 1897 - All the things you are Francesco Mancusi 1:32 5 years ago 251 Далее Скачать
Pleyel grand piano - Emile van Leenen Piano's Emile van Leenen Piano's en Vleugels 1:05 4 years ago 5 263 Далее Скачать
COMPARE! 5 pianos - ONE pianist / new McNulty Pleyel, Walter, Graf, Stein & Boisselot fortepianos McNulty Fortepianos 4:45 2 years ago 2 290 Далее Скачать
The Pleyel P124 Black Piano - Chopin's Waltz Op. 70 no°1 interpreted by Yves Henry Pleyel Pianos 2:16 2 years ago 612 Далее Скачать